<h3>H2O(g). molecules. (water vapor). H2O(l). molecules. How Vapor Pressure is ... Convert 25oC to Kelvin. K = oC ... Find confined gas pressure, in atm. ... NOT all liquids have same v.p. at same temp. 0. 20. 40. 60. 80. 100. 0. 20. 40 ... (usually from atmosphere). At sea level and 20oC… ETHANOL. WATER ... The high energy.</h3>
Option B - 2
In Crystal lattices, there are different types of unit cells namely;
- Hexagonal Closest Packed (HCP)
- Face Centred Cubic (FCC)
- Body Centred Cubic (BCC)
- Simple Centred Cubic (SC)
Now, each of them have a coordination number and also number of atoms per unit cell.
For this question, we are restricted to the body-centered cubic (bcc) unit cell which has a coordination number of 8 and contains 2 atoms per unit cell.