1.6666666666666 is the ans bcz in each mole there r 12 grams of carbon so the ans is goingtobe 20÷12
Group B elements
Group B metals are referred to as transition metals. They are located in the middle of the periodic table between Group IIA and Group IIIA. They provide transition between the "base formers" on the left and "acid formers" on the right.
When an electron quickly occupies an strength state increased than its ground state, it is in an excited state. An electron can end up excited if it is given greater energy, such as if it absorbs a photon, or packet of light, or collides with a close by atom or particle.
The elements are in the same column/group IIA.
See the explanation below, please.
The elements Calcium, Strontium, Beryllium, Magnesium, Barium and Radio, belong to the group of alkaline earth metals located in group IIA of the periodic table, they require 2 electrons to complete their octet (they have 2 valence electrons). reagents than alkali metals.
Mole ratio for the reaction is 1:1
no of moles in NaOH that reacted= 1*21.17/1000=0.02117mols
molarity of HCl=0.02117*10/1000