The answer is B. red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet
Most textbooks have the acronym ROYGBV to express the order in which colors appear on the spectrum of light, indigo is included in your list, and that's not a problem, although it's not typical. This spectrum of light is the same order in which colors appear in rainbows.
The outer shell of the earth, the lithosphere
The seven major plates are the African plate, Antarctic plate, Eurasian plate, Indo-Australian plate, North American plate, Pacific plate and South American plate.
In Solar thermal power generation system, mirrors are used to collect and focus sunlight onto a fluid pipe to produce high temperature required to generate electricity.
There are two main components: mirrors capture and focus light onto a receiver. The heat transfer fluid is circulated in the receiver. Steam is produced which is converted to mechanical energy in a turbine. It powers a generator and electricity is produced.
43 years old is the life expectancy
Distance travelled (d) = 56 metres
Time taken (t) = 7 seconds
velocity of the object (V)
= d / t
= 56 / 7
= 8 m/s
The velocity of the object is 8 m/s.
Hope it will help :)