Hello! Your answer would be a gain of electrons and a decrease in positive charge.
Contrary to how it sounds, reduction is actually a gain of electrons. It is part of a set of reactions known as a redox reaction, reduction being a gain of electrons and oxidation being a loss.
With the gain of electrons, the element would become more negative as electrons bring with them a negative charge. Therefore, this would decrease the positive charge.
Hope this helped!
The mass percentage is 15.1465%.
The structure of Ferrarrisite Ca5(HAs O4)2(AsO4)2
Since liquid isopropanol is a polar liquid and water is also a polar solvent. So, when both of them are added together then according to the like dissolves like principle they get dissolved.
At the molecular level, the polar molecules of isopropanol get attracted towards the polar molecules of water at the surface of water.
As a result, water molecules get surrounded by isopropanol. Thus, water molecules enter the solution and evenly spread into the solution.
Nitrogen will form an ionic bond