b. equal to the specific entropy of the gas at the inlet.
Isentropic process is the process in which the entropy of the system remains unchanged. The word isentropic is formed from the combination of the prefix "iso" which means "equal" and the word entropy.
If a process is completely reversible, without the need to provide energy in the form of heat, then the process is isentropic.
The pressure drop across the pipe also reduces by half of its initial value if the viscosity of the fluid reduces by half of its original value.
For a fully developed laminar flow in a circular pipe, the flowrate (volumetric) is given by the Hagen-Poiseulle's equation.
Q = π(ΔPR⁴/8μL)
where Q = volumetric flowrate
ΔP = Pressure drop across the pipe
μ = fluid viscosity
L = pipe length
If all the other parameters are kept constant, the pressure drop across the circular pipe is directly proportional to the viscosity of the fluid flowing in the pipe
ΔP = μ(8QL/πR⁴)
ΔP = Kμ
K = (8QL/πR⁴) = constant (for this question)
ΔP = Kμ
K = (ΔP/μ)
So, if the viscosity is halved, the new viscosity (μ₁) will be half of the original viscosity (μ).
μ₁ = (μ/2)
The new pressure drop (ΔP₁) is then
ΔP₁ = Kμ₁ = K(μ/2)
K = (ΔP/μ)
ΔP₁ = K(μ/2) = (ΔP/μ) × (μ/2) = (ΔP/2)
Hence, the pressure drop across the pipe also reduces by half of its initial value if the viscosity of the fluid reduces by half of its value.
Hope this Helps!!!
b. The pirating streams are eroding headwardly to intersect more of the other streams’ drainage basins, causing water to be diverted down their steeper gradients.
From the Kaaterskill NY 15 minute map (1906), this shows two classic examples of stream capture.
The Kaaterskill Creek flow down the east relatively steep slopes into the Hudson River Valley. While, the Gooseberry Creek is a low gradient stream flowing down the west direction which in turn drains the higher parts of the Catskills in this area.
However, there is Headward erosion of Kaaterskill Creek which resulted to the capture of part of the headwaters of Gooseberry Creek.
The evidence for this is the presence of "barbed" (enters at obtuse rather than acute angle) tributary which enters Kaaterskill Creek from South Lake which was once a part of the Gooseberry Creek drainage system.
It should be noted again, that there is drainage divide between the Gooseberry and Kaaterskill drainage systems (just to the left of the word Twilight) which is located in the center of the valley.
As it progresses, this divide will then move westward as Kaaterskill captures more and more of the Gooseberry system.
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