It’s supposed to be gamma, what are your other options
Answer each friend will get 3.33333 repeating if he is included. if only his friends are getting them then each one gets 4
devide 20/6 and 20/5 respectively.
Answer and Explanation:
the electronic devices always have some noises present in the signal
there are some important considerations in optical fiber communications these are.
- the noise which is contributed by transmitter are electronic random noise, low frequency noise
- noise which is contributed by laser are relative intensity noise, mode partition noise, conversion of phase noise to amplitude noise.
- noise contributed by photo detector are quantum shot noise, shot noise from dark current, avalanche multiplication noise.
The principle of population inversion is defined as for production of high percentage of simulated emission for a laser beam the number of atoms in higher state should be greater than lower energy state
It is most likely true that there was a lower concentration of salt in the water than in the cells because when blood cells are put in a hypotonic solution such as pure water, the little to no salt concentration in the water causes the cells to swell and burst. This would occur because the water would try to dilute the solution inside of the blood cell and which would, therefore, cause it to burst. Hope this helps!