The space shuttle was the result of committee compromise and political expediency. It was never the best design. It takes off like a rocket (and blows up like one on occasion) and lands like a plane (or rather, it lands like a brick with control surfaces).
18 is the max number of electrons in 1 orbital
The correct answer would be metamorphosis.
Metamorphosis is a biological process by which an immature form transforms into an adult form passing through numerous distinct stages.
It is mainly observed in amphibians and insects. For example, frog and butterfly.
The life cycle of a butterfly can be summarized as shown below.
Most elements are metals. A.
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However, it should be noted that addition of soluble salts generally lowers the freezing point of water hence after the addition, water will no longer freeze at 0°C but lower.
Soluble salts tend to form more ions in water, it is these ions that are responsible for interfering with the hydrogen bonds hence lowering the freezing. Thus, (since each bag are of the same weight) <u>the bag that contains the salt that ionizes more in water will lower the freezing point by the greatest amount</u>.
NOTE: Different weight of the salts could lead to more ions been formed in the water by some salts as against the other.