An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon another force.
Newton used this to prove that gravity existed. Without an unseen force, we could throw a ball and it would go on forever correct? Unless there was something to pull it down, in this case, gravity.
A) incandescent ligth bulb, its efficiency is about 10%
The incandescent bulb, that is, the well-known focus with its warm light, was one of the most useful inventions of the 19th century although its use is currently considered very inefficient. These lamps waste between 80 and 90 percent of the total electricity they consume by turning it into heat. The metal filament thus heated and which is the central part of the bulb, only converts the remaining energy into light. Its service life ranges from 750 to 1,000 hours.
This is why they are used in ovens for food preparation, because of the large amount of heat they generate.
The steam boiler in a power plant depends on the fuel that it is using, but a coal-fired power plant with modern technology its efficiency is about 40%
Electric motor are around 85-92%
In order to better understand the concept of efficiency it is as if we pay 100 dollars of gasoline for our weekly use, but of that 100 dollars the car only uses 10 dollars to do that activity the rest of the money the 90 dollars were lost because of the inefficiencies of the vehicle.
-- We're going to be talking about the satellite's speed.
"Velocity" would include its direction at any instant, and
in a circular orbit, that's constantly changing.
-- The mass of the satellite makes no difference.
Since the planet's radius is 3.95 x 10⁵m and the satellite is
orbiting 4.2 x 10⁶m above the surface, the radius of the
orbital path itself is
(3.95 x 10⁵m) + (4.2 x 10⁶m)
= (3.95 x 10⁵m) + (42 x 10⁵m)
= 45.95 x 10⁵ m
The circumference of the orbit is (2 π R) = 91.9 π x 10⁵ m.
The bird completes a revolution every 2.0 hours,
so its speed in orbit is
(91.9 π x 10⁵ m) / 2 hr
= 45.95 π x 10⁵ m/hr x (1 hr / 3,600 sec)
= 0.04 x 10⁵ m/sec
= 4 x 10³ m/sec
(4 kilometers per second)
~Hello there! ^_^
Your question: An objects momentum is determined by the object's..?
Your answer: An objects momentum is determined by the object's mass and velocity.
Happy Studying! =)