There would be martial law (just elaborate on the definition) and the population would go awry(elaborate on subject)
Exothermic reaction are those in which heat releases during a reaction
Answer and Explanation:
The aluminum is more productive in the absorption and heat transfer to other particles. It instantly converts heat absorbed from the environment into the atmosphere when removed from the oven, enabling us to operate with it faster than the pie that takes much longer to convert heat to the environment.
So this is the reason for pie to be the dangerously hot
Between magnitude of the average 4sec
The correct answer to the question is
Both A and B are true
The particles of a gas are free to move to occupy the entire volume in which they are placed due to the smallerinter molecular forces holding them together hence due to the face that pressure is a measure of the Force per unit area that is Pressure P = ( Force F)/ (Area A) then the force per unit area, exerted on the all of the container by the gaseous particles which are colliding with each other and with the walss of the container is fairly constant through out the surface oof the container
In the case of the liquid which are held on together by more stronger forces, the force per nit area exerted by the liquid particle is transmitted from one particle to the next until it reaches the container's surface. Then remembering that the force of gravity on the liquid is acting in one direction (that is downwards) the sum of the fprce due to the weight incrreases as we progress deaper into the liquid hence the pressure increases per unit depth