Long time ago, people saw the constellations as patterns in the sky. They names these patterns and tell stories about them. What people saw laong time ago are just mere patterns which forms animals and shapes. We got the names of our constellations from the Greeks who named the constellations after the mythological heroes and mythological legends.
D= vt +.5at^2
since he started at rest, v (initial velocity) is 0
so d=.5at^2
d = .5 (6m/s^2) (4.1s)^2
then put that into a calculator.
Human body, the physical substance of the human organism, composed of living cells and extracellular materials and organized into tissues, organs, and systems.
https://www.britannica.com › science
human body | Organs, Systems, Structure, Diagram, & Facts |
If the solution is treated as an ideal solution, the extent of freezing
point depression depends only on the solute concentration that can be
estimated by a simple linear relationship with the cryoscopic constant:
ΔTF = KF · m · i
ΔTF, the freezing point depression, is defined as TF (pure solvent) - TF
KF, the cryoscopic constant, which is dependent on the properties of the
solvent, not the solute. Note: When conducting experiments, a higher KF
value makes it easier to observe larger drops in the freezing point.
For water, KF = 1.853 K·kg/mol.[1]
m is the molality (mol solute per kg of solvent)
i is the van 't Hoff factor (number of solute particles per mol, e.g. i =
2 for NaCl).
Because the polar regions receive low-angle insolation.
Insolation is the amount of solar radiation received by a given area. The Sun is always low on the horizon. The low Sun angle makes the beam of solar radiation to travel a longer distance from upper troposphere to reach earth's surface as compared to when it is directly overhead. In this case, the radiations are scattered and reflected more by the atmosphere and spread over a larger area. Thus, the intensity of solar radiation is very less at polar regions than near the equatorial region. This is the reason of very cold climates at polar regions.