The answer is 308 K.
The formula is C + 273.15 = K
this meaning the formula for this problem would be 35 + 273.15 = 308.15.
Out of all the option choices that would be rounded to 308K.
The percent yield is 71.3 %.
Percent yield is the measure to analyze the success percentage of any experiment .The percent yield of any experiment can be obtained by the ratio of actual or experimental value to expected or theoretical value multiplied with 100.

So, in the present problem, we have obtained 10.7 g of adamantium nitrate from Wolverine's 10 pound claws. So the actual value or the experimental value is the amount of adamantium nitrate obtained from Wolverine's claws.
Thus, the experimental outcome is 10.7 g. While we had expected to recover 15 g of adamantium nitrate. So the theoretical outcome is 15 g.

Thus, the percent yield is 71.3 %.
People who work with radioactive materials often wear a film badge to reveal how much radiation they have been exposed to. The film badge dosimeter or the film badge is a dosimeter worn by these people working with materials that are radioactive for the purpose of monitoring cumulative radiation dose due to ionizing radiation. The badge has two parts; the photographic film, and a holder.
0.528344 gallons in a 2 liter
sulphuric is a strong acid
Sulphuric is a strong acid because it completely ionises in water while acetic acid partially ionises in water