You’ve not put anything below so I’m not sure what the options are but the relative charge of a proton is +1
Because of Bronze's high...... what?
Follow safety measures and safety rules to avoid any accident.
1. Follow all safety measures is needed from adults when they conducting any experiment at home in order to prevent any damage occurs due to that experiment.
2. Safety rules should always be followed when conducting an experiment at any place such as at home, class room and laboratory etc in order to avoid any accident.
3. Some chemicals are very dangerous because they are flammable and catch fire when allow it to the heat source. Some chemicals also cause suffocation by absorbing all the oxygen from the environment and as a result death occurs.
4. Science is a systematic study of physical objects through observation and experiments. Science is a knowledge gain from experiments.
Systems of measurement in use include the International System of Units (SI), the modern form of the metric system, the imperial system, and United States customary units.