Scientific evidence takes note of the pattern of evolution. The evidence exists in a variety of categories, including direct observation of evolutionary change, the fossil record, homology, and biogeography.
Examples of the categories with their respective examples are:
Direct observation of evolutionary change: Development of drug resistant bacteria
Fossil record: Discovery of transitional forms of horses, Discovery of shells of extinct species
Homology: Similarities in mammalian forelimbs, Same genetic code in fireflies and tobacco plants, Vestigial pelvis in right whales
Biogeography: Similarity of endemic island species to nearby mainland species, The high concentration of marsupial species in Australia
Answer:to relate the size of the box to the temperature of air within the box

1. Find the equation of eht maximal friction force:
The maximal friction force is given by the equation
, where μs is the static friction coefficient, m is the car´s mass and g is the gravitational force.
2. Replace values in the equation to find the answer: