Iron is a metal.
Iron wool is made up of thin strands of
iron loosely bundled together.
Your teacher has attached a piece of
iron wool to a see-saw balance. At the
other end of the see-saw is a piece of
Iron wool can combust. Your teacher is
going to make the iron wool combust by
heating it.
If there is a change in mass, the see-saw
will either tip to the left or to the right.
i) Las bacterias son organismos microscópicos unicelulares que prosperan en diversos entornos. Estos organismos pueden vivir en el suelo, el océano y dentro del intestino humano.
ii) Un virus es un agente infeccioso submicroscópico que se replica solo dentro de las células vivas de un organismo. Los virus infectan todas las formas de vida, desde animales y plantas hasta microorganismos, incluidas bacterias y arqueas.
The students conclude the cells are plant cells.