The correct answer is B. Since the two metals have the same mass, but the specific heat capacity of iron is much greater than that of gold, the final temperature of the two metals will be closer to 498 K than to 298 K
Iron is hotter and gold is colder, therefore, according to laws of thermodynamics, iron will lose heat to gold until they are at the same temperature.
The specific heat capacity of iron(0.449) is over three times that of gold(0.128). Since masses are equal, this means that each time iron's temperature drops by one degree, the energy released it releases makes gold's temperature increase by more than 3 degrees. So gold's temperature will be climbing much faster than iron's is falling. Meaning they will meet closer to the initial temperature of iron than that of gold
A tetrahedral carbon is__sp³__hybridized while a linear carbon is__sp___hybridized. Two different compounds that have the same molecular formula are known as___isomers____. Pi (π) bonds are generally_weaker (because they overlapped side ways)___than sigma (sigma) bonds. Hybridization is the combination of two or more__atomic ____orbitals to form the same number of__hybrid (combined s and p)__orbitals, each having the same shape and energy. A_pi (π)____bond is formed by side-by-side overlap of two p orbitals. The_electronegativity___is a measure of an atom's attraction for electrons in a bond and indicates how much a particular atom ''wants" electrons. Two Lewis structures that have the same atomic placement and a structure but a different arrangement of pi electrons are called_Resonance structure____. All single bonds are___sigma__bonds.
Well, i checked my cereal box and it says "net wait g (500)" so it's probably Grams
Answer = (C.) g