Unicellular organisms, cells perform all the basic actions and functions required for living like nutrition, respiration, reproduction etc.
In multicellular organisms, cells divide their tasks on the basis of "DIVISION OF LABOUR" to specialize in certain functions besides respiration etc. Like conduction in neurons, excitation in muscles, RBC production by bone marrow etc.
in these options not any Element are liquid at 1000k i think you type wrong in first option It is Hg not Ag and Hg is liquid at 1000 k
Using the simulation to build a system with 5 bonds. The resulting structure is called the Trigonal bipyramidal structure. The two different sites in a trigonal bipyramid are labeled as A and B in the drawing to the right.
In this case, therefore, the bond angle A-C-B is 90 Degrees (right angle)
Eukaryotic cells, the theoretical maximum yield of ATP generated per glucose is 36 to 38, depending on how the 2 NADH generated in the cytoplasm during glycolysis enter the mitochondria and whether the resulting yield is 2 or 3 ATP per NADH