If she only has 21 buttons and all 21 of them are large, then all of her buttons are large. so 100% of the buttons would be large.
It's helps Emily became when she swims her hair is not in the way creating friction and making her swim faster. friction acts between two metals blocks that slide past each other.
I believe the answer is 153.8 m.
Let say the point is inside the cylinder
then as per Gauss' law we have
here q = charge inside the gaussian surface.
Now if our point is inside the cylinder then we can say that gaussian surface has charge less than total charge.
we will calculate the charge first which is given as
now using the equation of Gauss law we will have
now we will have
Now if we have a situation that the point lies outside the cylinder
we will calculate the charge first which is given as it is now the total charge of the cylinder
now using the equation of Gauss law we will have
now we will have