Static electricity.
Electric Charge; Is the quantity of electricity held in an object
The balloon is electrically neutral, meaning it had an equal amount of positive and negative charges hence it couldn't attract the paper.
After rubbing the balloon, it gained an electric charge; and after gaining this charge it got the ability to exert a force on the pieces of paper and attract them, This is called static electricity.
Therefore, Static electricity caused the paper to stick to the balloon.
Amplitude 4
When the two waves collide, because they are both crests there is constructive interference. This mean that at the point of collision the amplitude increases.
You add both the amplitudes
Poke or kick the boxes. The sand box is the one that resists the most
The one that resists the most a change in motion (inertia) is the one with the greater mass—the one filled with sand. Since we cannot open the boxes or perform any weight measurement we can distinguish them by their inertia. Sand has greater mass and thus greater inertia