There are two laws named for Kirchhoff. The both concern electrical circuits.
Here they are in my own words:
1). The sum of the voltage drops around any closed loop in a circuit is zero.
2). The sum of the currents at any single point in a circuit is zero.
The correct answer of this question is : A) Change alternating current into direct current.
As per the question, we are given vacuum tube. Vacuum tube can be of various types. Normally it contains two electrodes called cathode and anode which are enclosed in an evacuated glass chamber . There are also other types of vacuum tubes which contain extra electrodes like control grid .
The vacuum tube can be used as a rectifier. It means that it can be used as an electronic device which will convert alternating current into direct current. It may be a half wave rectifier or a full wave rectifier. Actually the direct current obtained during the rectification of alternating current is pulsating in nature.
Hence, the correct answer is that a vacuum tube can be used to change alternating current into direct current.
Propotionality is important
You pull on the oars. By the third law, the oars push back on your hands, but that’s irrelevant to the motion of the boat. The other end of each oar (the blade) pushes against the water. By the third law, the water pushes back on the oars, pushing the boat forward.