resistance at 25°C, R' = 14 ohm
resistance at 90°C, R'' = 14.55 ohm
Let R be the resistance at - 32°C. Let Ro be the resistance at 0°C. Let α be the temperature coefficient of resistance.
R = Ro ( 1 + αΔT)
14 = Ro ( 1 + α x 25) .... (1)
14.55 = Ro( 1 + α x 90) .... (2)
Divide equation (2) by equation (1)

14.55 + 363.75 α = 14 + 1260 α
896.25 α = 0.55
α = 6.14 x 10^-4 / °C
R = Ro ( 1 + 32 α) .... (3)
Divide equation (3) by equation (1)

R = 14.06 ohm