o The result of a chemical change is a different composition; in a physical change, the composition remains the same.
In a chemical change, new kinds of matter are produced although the atoms are the same.
For physical changes, no new kinds of matter formed. Only the state of substances changes.
- Most chemical changes are usually irreversible
- Physical changes are reversible in most parts.
- Changes in state and form are salient characteristics of physical changes.
- When new products are formed from the reactants, it is an indicator of a chemical change.

The strength of the gravitational field at the surface of a planet is given by
G is the gravitational constant
M is the mass of the planet
R is the radius of the planet
For the Earth:

For the unknown planet,

Substituting into the eq.(1), we find the gravitational acceleration of planet X relative to that of the Earth:

And substituting g = 9.8 m/s^2,

You're not going to like this answer, but it's the only one possible:. It wasn't I who learned anything in this unit. If it was either of us, it was YOU. I can't even tell from reading the question what the topic of the unit was. Was it pamphlets ? Microsoft Publisher ? Freshmen ? Getting Through High School ? This is a lot like asking me to write something "in your own words".