iron (III) oxide is a gas
Kepler did not study the speed of the planets, rather, he studied how the planets move in the solar system. He proposed three laws. As a summary, he described that the planets move around the sun in the shape of an ellipse (orbit), and the Sun being one of the foci. Then, he proposed the period for the planet to complete one revolution around the Sun.
On the other hand, Newton studied the forces acting on the planet (or any object in space) that explain how the planets move around the solar system as described by Kepler. Also, Kepler's observations only apply to planets and not the moons or satellites. Thus, Kepler only made laws from observations, while Newton based it from underlying principles that led him to mathematical equations such as the law of universal gravitation.
Francium has the largest atomic radius.
Here the factor that Elle is controlling is the temperature. So temperature here is the independent variable and the dependent variable is the rate of evaporation of water. Independent variable is controlled during the experiment setup and the outcome of the dependent variable depends on the independent variable.