Answer: both options A and D
Half filled and completely filled orbitals are more stable than any other configuration since they are more symmetrical and energy exchange Occurs readily.
So 4f^7& 4f^14 are more stable
What question there’s no question on here
Na2S + CuSO4 → Na2SO4 + CuS
The reaction is balanced (same number of elements in each side)
To determine limiting reagent you need to know the moles you have of each.
Molar mass Na2S = 23 * 2 + 32 = 78
Molar mass CuSO4 = 63.5 + 32 + 16 * 4 = 159.5
Na2S mole = 15.5 / 78 = 0.2
CuSO4 mole = 12.1/159.5 = 0.076
*Remember mole = mass / MM
With that information now you have to divide each moles by its respective stoichiometric coefficient
Na2S stoichiometric coefficient : 1
Na2S : 0.2 / 1 = 0.2
CuSO4 stoichiometric coefficient: 1
CuSO4: 0.076 / 1 = 0.076
The smaller number between them its the limiting reagent, CuSO4
From the question, one can work out which states of matter to assign to which species. The trick with organic equations of this nature is to try to balance everything but oxygen first. Make sure you balance oxygen last because it is the easiest to balance.