To find:
The equation to find the period of oscillation.
The period of oscillation of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of the length of the pendulum and inversely proportional to the square root of the acceleration due to gravity.
Thus the period of a pendulum is given by the equation,

Where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceleration due to gravity.
On substituting the values of the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity at the point where the period of the pendulum is being measured, the above equation yields the value of the period of the pendulum.
Final answer:
The period of oscillation of a pendulum can be calculated using the equation,
Every planet/moon has global wind that are mostly determined by the way the planet/moon rotates and how evenly the Sun illuminates it. On the Earth the equator gets much more Sun than the poles. resulting in warmer air at the equator than the poles and creating circulation cells (or "Hadley Cells") which consist of warm air rising over the equator and then moving North and South from it and back round.
The Earth is also rotating. When any solid body rotates, bits of it that are nearer its axis move slower than those which are further away. As you move north (or south) from the equator, you are moving closer to the axis of the Earth and so the air which started at the equator and moved north (or south) will be moving faster than the ground it is over (it has the rotation speed of the ground at the equator, not the ground which is is now over). This results in winds which always move from the west to the east in the mid latitudes.
Dimensions of current = A
Dimensions of time = T
Current = Charge / time
Therefore Charge = Current × time
[Charge] = [Current] × [time]
= AT
No image will be observed.
Images that are created by mirrors are virtual images. This virtual image can only be seen by an observer. In this case, an infinite number of images or no image will be created here as both will be reflecting their own images. Light will continuously bounce back and forth reflecting the same image.

m = Masa del coche
g = Aceleración debida a la gravedad = 
h = Altura = 
v = Velocidad del automóvil en la parte inferior de la pista
Aquí asumimos que el automóvil desciende verticalmente. La energía potencial del automóvil se completará convertida en energía cinética en la parte inferior de la pista ya que no hay pérdida de energía.

La velocidad máxima que puede alcanzar el coche es