when sun shines through rain
Rainbow is an arc of different colours that appears in the sky when sun shines through rain
hermal energy is the energy that is generated and measured by heat.
A wind turbine converts the kinetic energy of the wind into mechanical power.
The wind moves the turbine and the turbine produce energy.
7 orbitals are allowed in a sub shell if the angular momentum quantum number for electrons in that sub shell is 3.
We that different values of m for a given l provide the total number of ways in which a given s, p,d and f sub shells in presence of magnetic field can be arranged in space along x, y ,z- axis or total number of orbitals into which a given subshell can be divided.
Range for given l lies between -l to +l .
The possible values of m are -3 , -2 , -1 , 0 , 1 ,2 , 3 .
Total number of orbitals are 7.