Not sure if you need a full explanation but let me know if you do :]
Compounds have different conductivity because if they have the same meaning it wont be a other word. the compounds have to have a conductivity so there can be more meanings.
The element that is commonly found in meteorites is oxygen
i) Las bacterias son organismos microscópicos unicelulares que prosperan en diversos entornos. Estos organismos pueden vivir en el suelo, el océano y dentro del intestino humano.
ii) Un virus es un agente infeccioso submicroscópico que se replica solo dentro de las células vivas de un organismo. Los virus infectan todas las formas de vida, desde animales y plantas hasta microorganismos, incluidas bacterias y arqueas.
break down food into smaller molecules the body can use; absorb molecules into blood and carry them throughout the body; eliminate wastes from the body