694,563,239 rounded to the nearest thousand is 694,563.
It's because the first digit from the right is for ones, second for tens, third for hundreds and fourth for thousands and that's the one that we should take a closer look at. You can round it either to 3 or 4, depends on the digit of hundreds. In this case 3239 is clearly closer to 3000 than 4000, that's why we round it to 694,563, not 694,564.
The smallest unit of a compound is a molecule, which is made up of atoms held together by bonds.
This question is incomplete because the options are missing; here are the options:
Which of the following is LESS dense than water?
The spoon
The glass
The tablets
The bubbles
The correct answer to this question is The bubbles
In general, the density of materials and substances affects their buoyancy. This implies in water less dense materials will float and those with higher density will sink. In the situation presented, the only element that is less dense than water are bubbles; this is shown by the movement of the bubbles as these originate in the bottom of the glass of water but they rise to the surface, which shows they are less dense than water.
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