Exophthalmos is a disorder which can be either bilateral or unilateral. Sometimes it is also known by other names like Exophthalmus, Excophthamia, Exobitism.
It is basically the bulging of eye anterior out of orbit which if left unattended may result in eye openings even while sleeping consequently resulting in comeal dryness and damage which ultimately may lead to blindness.
It is commonly caused by trauma or swelling of eye surrounding tissues resulting from trauma.
Firstly removing off one strip and it leaves electrons behind, so the strip becomes positively charged.
2. The roll however is not negatively charged because it is "earthed " by the hand holding it, thus excess negatives repel each other away through the hand.
3.Tearing off the next strip and once more it leaves electrons behind, the new strip is also positively charged and will repel the first strip.
4. Then, tear two strips apart and one will leave electrons behind on the other. Meaning that one strip is positive and the other is negative and they will attract each other.
Follows are the solution to the given question:
In this question the missing file of the circuit is not be which is defined in attached file please find it.
In Option 1, this statement is true because the current is on , that is the same.
In option 2, this statement is false because therefore it implies that Rcd is always larger then .
In option 3, this statement is true because the voltage of is always equal.
In option 4, this statement is true because is always smaller then 1 therefore, is always equal to R1.
The resultant field will have a magnitude of 241.71 V/m, 30.28° to the left of E1.
To find the resultant electric fields, you simply need to add the vectors representing both electric field E1 and electric field E2. You can do this by using the component method, where you add the x-component and y-component of each vector:
E1 = 99 V/m, 0° from the y-axis
E1x = 0 V/m
E1y = 99 V/m, up
E2 = 164 V/m, 48° from y-axis
E2x = 164*sin(48°) V/m, to the left
E2y = 164*cos(48°) V/m, up
To find the magnitude of the resultant vector, we use the pythagorean theorem. To find the direction, we use trigonometry.
The direction from the y-axis will be:
° to the left of E1.
Acceleration and the other term are the same physical phenomenon - just with opposite affects. Acceleration increases velocity, while the other term that begins with the letter "R" reduces.
***(Brainly's language filter is blocking the use of the second term in my answer.)***
Acceleration is defined as the rate of change of the velocity of an object per unit of time...
Acceleration would be a POSITIVE (+) quantity, while the r-word would be negative (-).