You should give answers since some people will just try and find any answer, which happened to me. So like if you have answers for the question just put them like A B C D kinda like true or false for others to know what they got instead of giving them more work, and then they just give you random answers.
Hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, biosphere, anthrosphere.
Hydrosphere: Liquid, vapour or ice.
Atmosphere: Oxygen.
Geosphere: Minerals.
Biosphere: Ecosystem.
Anthrosphere: Human habitats
Purpose: To become familiar with the techniques for separation of amixture of solids.
a mixture of pure substances. If you have a mixture of tennis ballsand marbles (not pure substances by the way), it would be easy toseparate the mixture. However, it is more difficult to separate asand (also not a pure substance) and salt mixture. Even with verygood tweezers and a magnifying glass, it would be extremelytedious. You could take advantage of the fact that salt dissolvesin water and sand does not. To separate iron powder from an ironand sand mixture you can take advantage of the magnetic propertiesof iron and separate the mixture.
To summarize a complete procedure for separating a mixture ofseveral substances, it is best to prepare a flow chart. A flowchartis a schematic representation of an algorithm or a stepwiseprocess, showing the steps as boxes of various kinds, and theirorder by connecting these with arrows. Flowcharts are used indesigning or documenting a process.
siya at ako ayieeeeeeeeee
Answer: Between the alveoli and a network of tiny blood vessels called capillaries, which are located in the walls of the alveoli.