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Difference of the enthalpy (of a system) minus the product of the entropy and absolute temperature
The basis of spontaneity in a chemical reaction is that ∆G must be negative. ¡∆G is known as the change in free energy of a system. If ∆G is negative, then the reaction will occur without any external help (the reaction is spontaneous at room temperature).
∆G is given by;
∆G= ∆H -T∆S
∆H= change in enthalpy of the system
T= absolute temperature of the system
∆S= change in entropy
Hence; when ∆H -T∆S gives a negative result, the reaction proceeds without any external help.
Since a radical is formed as part of the product it means it's a propagation step and not a termination step, at termination no free radical exist as product