The question ask to calculate and choose among the following is the distance of the microphone from the left - most speaker in order to pick up the loudest sound and the best answer would be letter C. I hope you are satisfied with my answer and feel free to ask for more if you have questions and further clarifications
Answer:It increases confidence because the more times you conduct the same experiment over and over should either prove your hypothesis right and wrong and eliminate any random occurrences that might affect your results.
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From the conservation of mechanical energy

Solve to velocity v2

Albedo is a unit-less, non-dimensional quantity that shows how well a surface reflects solar energy. The value of albedo can vary from 0 to 1, 0 being the black and 1 refers to a white surface. Zero means Surface is a perfect absorber i.e. it absorbs all the incoming rays incidents on it. Albedo 1 means the surface is a perfect reflector.
Albedo usually applies for visible light, even though it may involve some of the infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. The average albedo associated with earth surface is 30%
A symbol for a battery.
A battery, because every sinlge circuit AC or DC must have a source of energy, to supply it to every single device that is part of the circuit.
The voltage is defined by the Ohm's law and it is equal to the product of the current by the resistance.