Transpiration: This is the evaporation of liquid water from plants and trees into the Earth's atmosphere. Nearly all water that enters the roots transpires into the atmosphere. Sublimation: This is the process where ice and snow (a solid) changes into a gas without moving through the liquid phase
An acid can be defined as a proton donor.
a) Graph
b) Weight balance or gas syringe or upside-down measuring cylinder
a) Identifying a trend in temperature change over time - The best tool for this scenario is to represents the temperature daily, weekly, monthly or annually on graph to interpret the fluctuation in temperature owing to local seasonal changes and weather conditions
b) Measuring the mass of a product of a chemical reaction - If the product is solid or liquid then the balance is used to measure the mass. If the product is a gas, then gas syringe or upside-down measuring cylinder is used.
Coating a material with metal
(SInce the glasses will be coated with gold.)