s 0Miles (short), 150 Miles(medium), and 300 Miles (long).
Answer: D) All of the above
Burn rate can be affected by all of the above reasons as, variation in chamber pressure because the pressure are dependence on the burn rate and temperature variation in initial gain can affect the rate of the chemical reactions and initial gain in the temperature increased the burning rate. As, gas flow velocity also influenced to increasing the burn rate as it flowing parallel to the surface burning. Burn rate is also known as erosive burning because of the variation in flow velocity and chamber pressure.
Objective statements.
An objective statement can be defined as a short statement that explicitly states or describes what a person wants exactly or is looking out for in a particular item.
Objective statements are written to “maximize” or “minimize” a specific value associated with the product needs in order to define the goal or aim of the design process.
This ultimately implies that, objective statements are used by various manufacturing industries or companies to explicitly define the minimum or maximum requirements for the production of its goods.
if ur mad you may drive faster if ur sad u may drive slower due to the amount of adrenaline and dopamine levels in your body in that given moment
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