Solutions from highest to lowest freezing point:
0.040 m glycerin = 0.020 m potassium bromide > 0.030 m phenol

= Depression in freezing point
i = van'T Hoff fcator
= Molal depression constant of solvent
m = molality of the solution
Higher the value of depression in freezing point at lower will be freezing temperature the solution.
1. 0.040 m glycerin
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 1 ( organic molecule)
m = 0.040 m

2. 0.020 m potassium bromide
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 2 (ionic)
m = 0.020 m

3. 0.030 m phenol
Molal depression constant of water = 
i = 1 (organic)
m = 0.030 m

Solutions from highest to lowest freezing point:
0.040 m glycerin = 0.020 m potassium bromide > 0.030 m phenol