It’s all based on you but yours could be anything hard you went through and how you overcame it. Also say how it made you the person you are today
Chemical processes have no effect on the nucleus otherwise we would be in deep truble. GOOD LESSONS ♡
The answer is c. because you have to increase concentration of h2
fe+s is a mixture of iron and sulphur and it can be separated by magnetic separation. But FeS is a compound formed by heating iron and sulphur can't be separated by any method.
Here are some of the differences between a mixture of iron and sulfur, and iron sulfide: the mixture can contain more or less iron, but iron sulfide always contains equal amounts of iron and sulfur. the iron and sulfur atoms are not joined together in the mixture, but they are joined together in iron sulfide.
Boyle's law which plays a major role in the kinetic-theory states that Volume and Pressure are inversely proportional