To be frank starch is made up of long chains of glucose. While cell walls are made from cellulose created from photosynthesis. Cellulose is made up of glucose and cell walls are the most abundant carbohydrate.
0.45 from mom and 0.05 from dad.
The recombinant progeny might occur due to the crossing over at the time of meiosis in which the exchange of chromosomes occur in the homologous chromosomes of non sister chromatids.
The progeny receives half of their chromosome from the mother and half from the father. The mother 50% AZ and 50% az chromosomes respectively. The 10% recombination has occured due to which the mother chromosomes is reduce upto 45%. The recombinant 10% will be aZ and Az and has 5% frequency. Mom has the ability of az chromosomes is 0.45 %. The father has the genotype 50% Az and 50% aZ. The 10% recombination has occured due to which the father chromosomes is reduce upto 45%. The recombinant will be az and AZ with 5% frequency. So, father has az with 0.05 % probability.
Thus, the answer is 0.45 from mom and 0.05 from dad.
Answer: Nitrogen-fixing Bacteria
In the Nitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixing bacteria are very important in ensuring that plants get nitrogen to enable them grow and as animals have to eat plants, these bacteria are essential for our survival as well.
Plants are unable to use atmospheric nitrogen but nitrogen-fixing bacteria are able to synthesize ammonia from atmospheric nitrogen. They can then convert this to Nitrites and Nitrates which are more useful to plants and animals by extension.