For glucose to go in and out of cells, the cells need to have a protein channel in their cell membrane.
Example of Medium term goal
<h2>✒ Answer</h2>
Example number 1
Fitness - I will run in the Bridges Fun Run on April 4th. Money - I will save $100 in my money box by my birthday
Example number 2
I will achieve 70% or higher in my chemistry midterm exam.
In order for perishable food to be safe for consumption, it has to reach a USDA-recommended minimum safe internal temperature. The food also has to be held at the specified temperature for a minimum of 15 seconds to kill the bacteria.
Safe Internal Temperature:
Steak and Roast 145°F
Fish 145°F
Pork 160°F
Ground Beef 160°F
Egg Dishes 160°F
Chicken Breasts 165°F
Whole Poultry 165°F
Casseroles/Mixed Dishes 165°F
The reason for the different food safety temperatures has to do with food density, size and how much it is handled before it is cooked. For example, steak can be cooked to a lower temperature than ground beef because the inner layers of the beef are never touched. Since the outer and inner layers of ground beef are mixed together, a higher temperature is needed to assure that all of the bacteria is dead.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
Well, I don't know how old this saying is but I've heard it a lot.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"
well, if you didn't understand it, it means that whatever you see as beautiful may be different from someone else's point of view. Just because you think one way someone else may think another way.
Oh, and congrats! I would be happy instead of confused! : )
Hope that helps! : )
Their lungs grow less than children who do not breathe secondhand smoke, and they get more bronchitis and pneumonia. Wheezing and coughing are more common in children who breathe secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke can trigger an asthma attack in a child.