You convert a decimal to a fraction by putting the digits to the right of the decimal point over "1" followed by the same number of zeros. (Most folks learn this in 3rd or 4th grade.)
0.66 = 66/100 . . . . . 2 decimals, so the denominator is 100
Then you reduce the fraction by canceling common factors. It helps to know your times tables and divisibility rules. (Or you can have your calculator do it.)
0.66 = 66/100 = 33/50
1.00 = 100/100 = 1
12/16 is greater than 0.12.
Step-by-step explanation:
0.12 = 12/100 = 6/50 = 3/25
12/16 = 3/4.
So, 12/16 is greater than 0.12.
Step-by-step explanation:
If V is the midpoint of the line UW, that would mean that there's an equal distance between UV and 9x. So, the value of UV and VW would eed to be the same.
Answer: The probability distribution for the number of cells in the third generation is a Binomial distribution.
Step-by-step explanation:
We use binomial distribution when we have repeated process and the outcome is either a success or a failure.
The probability of success. P ( probability of dying). The probability of failure q ( probability of splitting into two).
The formula for binomial distribution is : n combination x multiplied by p raised to power x multiplied by q raised to power n-x.
3pie+12mm is the correct answer (A)