Even though the object is weightless, it would need inertia, I.e, you pushing it or any form of transportation. So you would still have to push that 500kg to just keep it moving in space. Say if it were a planet with less gravitational force, it would be weightless.
It expands and pushes the crack further aprt
13 is the mode because it is the number that appears most often

<em>Cerebral Perfusion Pressure</em><em> </em>is obtained by subtracting <em>IntraCranial Pressure</em>(ICP) from the <em>Mean Arterial Pressure</em>(MAP). Adequate cerebral perfusion requires a minimum goal of
. MAP is obtained using the formula:-

According to your formula, because Th>Tc, the density of hot air greater than the density of cold air.<span>Hint: You can rearrange the ideal gas law to get </span>
<span>Reference https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/density-of-hot-air.528991/</span>