Electricity was discovered before the discovery of electrons by J.J Thompson in 1896. Before the electron, it was thought that it is the positive ions that move through the wire and carry current—that's why today the conventional current represents the flow of positive charges.
After J.J Thompson's discovery of the electrons, it was realized that it is the electrons that actually carry the current through the conductor. But changing the direction of the conventional current didn't seem appropriate, and that's why the convention continues to be used to this day—reminding us that once it were the positive ions that were thought to carry the current.
All potential and kinetic energy is transferred into heat. Therefore keeping the law of conservation of energy valid. No energy is created nor destroyed only changing shape.
The new period of rotation using the new spring would be less than the period of rotation using the original spring
Generally the period of rotation of the mass is mathematically represented as

Here I is the moment of inertia of the mass about the rotation axis and k is the spring constant
Now looking at the equation we can tell that T is inversely proportional to the square root of the spring constant which means that for a larger spring constant the time period would be lesser
1⁺ ion
Metals in the first group on the periodic table will prefer to form 1⁺ ion. This is because the 1 valence electron in their orbital.
Most metals are electropositive and would prefer to lose electrons than to gain it.
Like all metals, the group 1 elements called the alkali metals would prefer to lose and electron.
On losing an electron the number of protons is then greater than the number of electrons. This leaves a net positive charge.
The answer is a matter of opinion, and you're going to get different answers
from different people. Here's <u>my</u> take on it:
The writers, producers and advertising sponsors of these shows certainly
don't think they're boring. And <em><u>definitely</u></em> neither do the TV networks that
decide which ones to broadcast.
I'm not trying to say "The experts don't think they're boring, so you must
be wrong". I'm trying to say that different people have different opinions
about the same shows, and in <em>your</em> case,<em> you</em> find them boring.
My conclusion is this:
I think you're finding TV shows boring nowadays because you're growing
as a person. You've grown, developed, and matured to the point where
you're above the level of audience that the shows are pitched for. That's
a very good thing !
You're sad because you used to get pleasure and entertainment from TV,
and now it doesn't give you those things. That's like losing an old friend,
that you used to have such fun playing with, but he just doesn't do it for
you any more.
Now that you've grown up, you've made new friends. With them, you do
things that you wouldn't even understand with your younger friends. And
you develop new interests, like ... I don't know ... books, movies, hobbies,
your church, your profession, learning new things, developing new skills,
exercising your brain, writing, volunteer work, ham radio, building fine
furniture, singing, learning to write music, raising tropical plants, sculpture,
politics ... whatever turns you on. Some people never grow past the stage
where staring at the tube is all they need in life, because they don't have
what it takes to be interested in anything else. Those are the people that
TV is aimed at. But you have more, and that's why TV isn't enough for you.
There are other possible reasons why TV bores you. But until I know more
about you, I think it's a very, very good sign.