78 km/h
If I normally drive a 12 hour trip at an average speed of 100 km/h, my destination has a total distance of:
- 100 km/h · 12 h = 1,200 km
Today, I drive the first 2/3 of the distance at 116 km/h. Let's first calculate what 2/3 of the normal distance is.
I've driven 800 km already. I need to drive 400 km more to reach my final destination. I need to figure out my average speed during this last 1/3 of the distance.
To do this, I first need to calculate how much time I spent driving 116 km/h for the past 800 km.
- 116 km/1 h = 800 km/? h
- 800 = 116 · ?
- ? = 800/116
- ? = 6.89655172
I spent 6.89655172 hours driving during the first 2/3 of the distance.
Now, I need to subtract this value from 12 hours to find the remaining time I have left.
- 12 h - 6.89655172 h = 5.10344828 h
Using this remaining time and my remaining distance, I can calculate my average speed.
- ? km/1 hr = 400 km/5.10344828 h
- 5.10344828 · ? = 400
- ? = 400/5.10344828
- ? = 78.3783783148
My average speed during the last third of the distance is around 78 km/h.

From the question we are told that
Height of circular cylinder is 
Diameter of cylinder
Horizontal Force 

Generally the formula for shear modulus is mathematically represented by


Because he is not on the ride with Ben and Justine
From the exercise we have our initial information

When the balloon gets to the ceiling its velocity at that moment is 0 m/s. Being said that we can calculate velocity at the vertical direction


Knowing that

the high temperature needed to operate this refrigerator is C) 137.4° C
The carnot refrigeration cycle is one in which a machine absorbs heat from an enclosure and expels it to the surroundings, the equation that defines the COP performance coefficient for this cycle is:

COP=performance coefficient =2.1
T1= Low temperature
T2=high temperature
Now use algebra to find the high temperature

If we replace the values:
note = remember that the temperature must be in absolute units, for which we must add 273.15 to the low temperature to find the temperature in Kelvin
T1 = 5 + 273.15 = 278.15K

In celsius
T2=410.60-273.15=137.4° C
the high temperature needed to operate this refrigerator is C) 137.4° C