adding silver ions , adding chloride ions, removing chloride ions and removing silver chloride.
Barium sulfate is an insoluble ionic compound since it is insoluble in water.
We can differentiate barium ions and sulfate ions away from the surface if we add a small amount of solid barium sulfate is mixed with water and shaken.
The action would shift this reaction away from solid barium sulfate and toward the dissolved ions are adding silver ions , adding chloride ions, removing chloride ions and removing silver chloride.
An ionic and covalent quality has in every molecular bond.
In barium sulfate barium has lowest electronegativities.
Oxygen has highest electronegativities.
so the bond between both barium and sulfate is ionic in character.
Tests for gases
Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia and chlorine can be identified using different tests.
Hydrogen. A lighted wooden splint makes a popping sound in a test tube of hydrogen.
Oxygen. A glowing wooden splint relights in a test tube of oxygen.
hope it will help
Attractions between molecules cause a reduction in volume
Number 9 adding oil lubricates the chain making it easier to pedal. Also the oil prevents rusting