Compression Test
The Specimen is undergoing a compression test. It is similar to tensile test with the difference that the force is compressive and applied along the direction of stress. Both Tensile and compression tests are performed on Universal Testing machine. Compression test is done to determine the product's reaction when it is compressed, squashed and crushed.
s alluded to in the other answers, salt refers to any ionic compound that doesn't have “oxides” in it. Table salt is sodium chloride. Going down the periodic table, the first column contains lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium, cesium, and francium. This group (alkali metals) of atoms (and their corresponding positive ions) gets larger in the order shown above. Therefore, their ionic bonds with chloride (or any nonmetal) gets smaller. The trend of their corresponding compounds is a decreasing hardness, decreasing melting point, decreasing boiling point, and decreasing thermal stability. These are the major periodic trends of these corresponding compounds. Other metal ions generally have higher positive charges on them. This makes the ionic bonds considerably larger and you can probably surmise most of their corresponding properties listed above. However, the details of their lattice structures may cause the overall trend to vary.
Answer: Mabye like an ocean with dolphins swiming/jumping? Or even use the blue as a sky and then put green grass and do foxes or and a phoenix flying with a fox under it?
Just some ideas!
Answer: The rate at which water moves through the plants due to transpiration plays an important role in maintaining plant water balance. ... This moves water and other nutrients absorbed by roots to the shoots and other parts of the plant. Hence, transpiration is very important for the survival and productivity of plants.
Explanation: the explanation of the answers is that Advantages of a dry cell are:
The compact size of a dry cell makes it suitable for powering small electronic devices.(toys, flashlights, portable radios, cameras, hearing aids). The electrolyte used in dry cell is relatively not so harmful to the environment. Dry cells are inexpensive. The main disadvantage of a dry cell is that it cannot be recharged once it loses its electrical power, Because when the cells turn any color then you are died.