Aluminum is the 13th element on the periodic table. It is located in period 3 and family 13.
The triple point of carbon dioxide is 5.11 atmosphere at -56.6 degree celsius . At pressure greater than 5.11 , solid carbon dioxide liquefies , as it is warmed. At pressure lesser than 5.11 atmosphere , it will go into gaseous state without liquefying . Excessive pressure helps liquification process.
So maximum pressure required is 5.11 atmosphere. Beyond this pressure , solid CO2 will liquify.
I can if you give man example I'll show you how to do it.
One example of a solution<span> is </span>salt water<span> which is a </span>mixture<span> of </span>water<span> and </span>salt<span>. You cannot see </span>the salt<span> and </span>the salt<span> and </span>water<span> will stay a </span>solution<span> if left alone. Parts of a</span>Solution<span>. Solute - The solute is the substance that is being </span>dissolved<span> by another substance.</span>