The smallest unit in a compound is its molecule.
Carbon-14 and Uranium-238 have something we call a half live, which is basically a known time period for it to change half of its C-14 or U-238 radioactively decay. Since we know how long that is 5730 years for Carbon-14 for half a sample to deteriorate, than we can figure out how old it is.
If the student needs one gram but so far only has 0.37 grams, then the amount they need is the difference between what they need and how much they already have. 1-0.37=0.63 grams.
...which isn't actually an option because none of them have decimal points but I would say it is B anyway because it is the equivalent ratio and maybe there was a typo.
Hope this helped!
Both are similar concepts.
Sound is the vibration of air particles (compression and expansion) the can reach your ears. But you can have vibration being propagated in liquids and solids as well.
Some sounds are generated in structures, so the vibration of a structure is converted to sound in air — for instance, a loudspeaker.