This description applies and is suitable for what a chemical precipitate is. A precipitate is a product that is formed from a certain chemicals reaction that yields a solid that is insoluble in the reaction vessel. It is usually white and opaque.
the spotlight effect.
The spotlight effect is a tendency to think that people get noticed more often than they really do. It is an overestimation of the situation regarding the concern of getting observed. It concerns the self-confidence of an individual. For example, an individual feels that everybody in a party would notice him for a bad pair of shoes while in reality, it does not concern them.
As per the question, the overestimation of people's reaction is known as the spotlight effect.
It depends on the objects mass, the gravitational pull when up or down slopes, and the height of the reference point
Yes, because the net ionic is equation will yield BaCO3 as a precipitate because it is insoluble in water