<h3>JAWAB SECEPATNYA pliss</h3><h3 /><h3>Anda memiliki rangkaian paralel 10 volt, dengan 2 resistor di atasnya. Berapakah tegangan pada</h3><h3>resistor pertama? Di seberang kedua?</h3><h3 /><h3>(saya akan menandai tercerdas tolong bantu)</h3>
Hukum Ohm
= tegangan
= kuat arus
= ketahanan
Kalau kamu mau mencari tegangan listrik, kamu gunakan rumus V = I.R. Kalau ternyata kamu perlu mencari kuat arus listrik, maka gunakan rumus I = V/R. Nah, kalau yang kamu cari adalah hambatan listrik, maka gunakan rumus R = V/I.
A) Electrons only
In quantum mechanics, "electron cloud" refers to the region of space where electrons can be found in an atom. In fact, in quantum mechanics, it is not possible to predict the exact position of the electrons, so there is a region where electrons have a certain probability to be found.
83.3 kHz
The frequency of a waveform is equal to the reciprocal of its period:

f is the frequency
T is the period
In this problem, we have

so, the frequency of the waveform is

And by converting into kiloHertz,

Newton's first law
it says that an object will continue to be at rest or keep moving till any external for is applied to it to make it move or stop respectively.