165.2762 m/sec
The initial mass of the rocket and the fuel
M₀ = 5.02e6 kg
The initial mass of the fuel
Mf₀ = 1.25e6 kg
The rate of fuel consumption
dm/dt = 370 kg/sec
The duration of the rocket burn
Δt = 450 sec
The rocket exhaust speed
Ve = 4900 m/sec
The thrust, T
T = Ve (dm/dt) = 1813000 kg m/sec²
The mass of the expended propellant, ΔM
ΔM = Δt (dm/dt) = 166500 kg
The rocket's mass after the burn
M₁ = M₀ − ΔM = 4853500 kg
The speed of the rocket after the burn
Δv = Ve ln(M₀/M₁) = 165.2762 m/sec