B. Observation
Using a thermometer to read the temperature of a solution is tantamount to the making an observation.
Observation are recorded using our senses of sight, taste, earing, feeling etc or by the use of instrument.
- Through observation, data is usually collected to make inferences about an experiment.
- An observation leads to the formulation of a hypothesis which is scientific guess that leads to experimental designs.
- Conclusions are drawn from the information of data obtained from an experiment.
D. It is personal in style.
The myosin heads pull on the actin, bringing them closer together
The first rubber balloon was made by Professor Michael Faraday in 1824, out of two sheets of rubber whose edges were pressed together. Hot air balloonwas the balloon to make the first recorded manned flight. It was made by the Montgolfier brothers and launched on 21 November 1783.