No the given statement is not necessarily true.
We know that the kinetic energy of a particle of mass 'm' moving with velocity 'v' is given by

Similarly the momentum is given by 
For 2 particles with masses
and moving with velocities
respectively the respective kinetic energies is given by

Similarly For 2 particles with masses
and moving with velocities
respectively the respective momenta are given by

Now since it is given that the two kinetic energies are equal thus we have

Thus we infer that the moumenta are not equal since the ratio on right of 'i' is not 1 , and can be 1 only if the velocities of the 2 particles are equal which becomes a special case and not a general case.
An ice cube causes hot coffee to become cool because the amount of coldness contrasts the hot coffee to make it a little cooler
option d and b..............